COF Board of Directors

An independent, unpaid volunteer Board of Directors, living within Coffey, Osage and/or Franklin counties, oversees how COF's funds are allocated.   The Board is legally accountable for diligent stewardship of the tax dollars and charitable donations that go towards the noble cause of supporting people who are intellectually/developmentally disabled and who have chosen COF as their services provider.

COF is fortunate to have an active Board of Directors which is reflective of a wide knowledge base throughout the three counties it serves. The Board brings leadership and support that is carried throughout the organization.


President, Jarred Sterling

One of the most fulfilling ways to give back is to participate in activities that enhance the lives of others. In 2018, I was invited by a friend to become a member of the Friends of COF Board, the fundraising entity for COF. Motivated by my desire to support exceptional care and opportunities for clients and staff, I joined the COF Board in 2020. Dave Hornung's vision to create a secure and nurturing environment for his son by enlisting the assistance of future Board Members is a source of great pride.

I spent 24 years as a Commerical Banker before transitioning to the role of Financial Advisor at Advanced Investments in Ottawa in 2022. I reside in the Ottawa community with my children, Logan and Carter. Throughout my professional career, I have served on various boards and am presently a member of the COF Board, Friends of COF Board, Franklin County Development Council, Frontier Extension District, and the Rotary Club of Ottawa.

It is an honor to have served as a COF Board Member since 2020, representing Franklin County.


Vice President, Greg Bashaw

I was honored to be able to serve on the C O F Board of directors and look forward to providing a positive and energetic influence on the board. My wife and I have lived in rural
Gridley area for 30 years. I am an active part of our local community & county and bring experience as a business owner and past board member from other organizations.

  • COF Board member since January 2017

  • Representing Coffey County

  • Greg’s daughter Laura (in photo) receives residential and day and targeted case management services from COF


Secretary, Gloria Patterson

Gloria is a retired Post Master for the US Postal Service. She resides with her husband in Melvern. Her son Dale receives day and employment services from COF. 

  • COF Board member since September of 1993

  • Representing Osage County


Treasurer, Chelsea Evans

I was very humbled by the opportunity to serve on the COF board. While I do not have any personal connections with COF clients, I have been witness to the wonderful services and experiences that COF is able to provide.

I hope to serve this board in sustaining the honorable work that COF has done for the past 50 years. I am currently the Technology Coach at Village Elementary School in Emporia, KS part-time and also work at Coffey County Land Tile in Burlington.

I resided in Lebo, KS with my husband, Dylan Evans.

Teresa Pearson

Member, Teresa Pearson

It is an honor and a privilege to be able to become a part of the COF Board serving Coffey, Osage, and Franklin counties. Serving as a teacher for 23 years, I was able to see firsthand the need for every person to feel they have a purpose, and the freedom to do things within the community they live in regardless of age or ability. COF is currently providing these opportunities in our communities. As a lifelong resident of Franklin County, I feel the need to give back to the community and help those that we interact with daily. 

 I reside in Ottawa with my husband Phillip Pearson. I have two grown sons who also live in Ottawa. Currently, I am a Realtor/Assoc. Broker in the area and have enjoyed serving my community through various teacher committees, the Ottawa High School Booster Club Board, Agent Leadership Council, and currently serving on the Campaign Leadership Committee for the COF Capital Campaign. I am hoping to provide COF with positive approaches to problem-solving to do what is best for our clients and employees and help them in whatever capacity they need me.


Member, David Hornung

I joined the COF Board of Directors in 2001 to ensure that COF remains a strong, stable organization that will continue to provide my son and others with a happy and healthy environment. I have not been disappointed!!! 

Since joining the board, I have learned a lot more about “red tape” and details, even after teaching for four years and working for USDA for 38 years.  I have become completely convinced that the entire staff, collectively from our CEO and Administrative staff to our hard-working day-to-day caregivers, makes a place like COF operate at its highest caring level. 

I am confident that even with today’s many healthcare challenges that face us, COF will remain a place that my son and others can call home and be cared for with love 24-7.

  • Dave & his wife Gloria are also actively involved in COF’s fundraising arm, Friends of COF


Member, Brenda Kelley

I am married to Keith Kelley.  We have 6 children between us.   Our second son, Doug, is severely mentally handicapped.  He also has diabetes and epilepsy.  He does have a strong work ethic.  He enjoys working for COF and/or Integrated Employment Enterprises.  He has been a COF client since 1985.

 I was a teacher for the 5-8th grades at the mostly Amish Mt. Ida School in the Garnett School district for four years.  Then I taught 5th grade in Waverly for a couple of years.  I quit there in 1976.  Then I taught the 6th grade at Lyndon for a couple of years.  Then I went to Washburn Law School. I continue to handle a few cases through my law practice in Waverly.   I have been on the COF board since 1989. 

  • COF Board member since January of 1989

  • Representing Coffey County


Member, Janae McNally

I am delighted to be a part of the COF board and look forward to being involved with the board as well as the outstanding work and services that COF employees and clients provide to our local communities in Coffey, Osage and Franklin Counties.

I am currently employed by K-State Research & Extension working in the Frontier District serving the patrons of Anderson, Franklin and Osage Counties focusing on Aging and Family Resource Management. Prior to this position I have also worked with the 4-H program as well as the Extension program in Coffey County.

I live on a farm west of Quenemo with my husband Caleb and our three children, Braelyn Gradey, Gentry and Paden.


Member, Judy Stukey

Judy lives with her husband Phil in Burlington. She is retired from a career in insurance. She was  Charlie Skillman’s legal guardian. Charlie and Judy are cousins. Charlie Skillman received residential and day and targeted case management services for most of his adult life until his death in 2015. His picture is below. Judy is very committed to COF and she has done much other volunteer work for COF over the years in addition to her Board duties.

  • COF Board member since July of 1995

  • Representing Coffey County


Member, Adam Weingartner

Police Chief Adam Weingartner began his career with the Ottawa Police Department in November, 1995.  He was appointed as the Police Chief in June, 2019 and has served as a police officer, detective, Sergeant and command positions before being selected as the next Police Chief.

Chief Weingartner has been involved in Kansas Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics since his first year as an officer.  He served as a county coordinator and area coordinator for the Kansas Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics for many years and has represented Kansas law enforcement at several regional and international conferences.

Chief Weingartner is a graduate of the 262nd session of the FBI National Academy and a graduate of the 2009 Kansas Police Administrators Seminar.  He holds as Associates of Applied Science Degree in Criminal Justice from the State University of New York-Canton, a Certificate in Leadership Studies from Fort Hays State University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Central Christian College of Kansas.  He is a graduate of Leadership Franklin County and served on the Board of Trustees from 2012-2015.  Chief Weingartner serves as Secretary-Treasurer for the Capitol Area Major Case Squad (M-Squad).  Professional associations include International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), FBI National Academy Associates (FBINAA), Kansas Association of Chiefs of Police (KACP), and Kansas Peace Officer Association (KPOA).

Originally from Greenfield Center, New York Chief Weingartner has lived in Ottawa since 1995.  He is married and has two teenage sons attending Ottawa schools.


Member, Kevin Kennedy

I have had the privilege to serve on the COF board for approximately 1 year. It has been an honor to learn about this community and the dedicated staff who pour their hearts into the development and support of some really awesome clients. I am a recent parent of a special needs child and it is very encouraging to know organizations such as COF exist. I am humbled to get to work alongside such subject matter experts and I learn so much from every single meeting.

I am married to my lovely wife Erin and have three children, Miles (8), Mackenzie (6), and Samson (2).  We live in Vassar, Osage County Kansas. 

I have been an active-duty Kansas National Guardsman for the last 19 years, and I am currently assigned as the director of international affairs.