
Although COF Training Services was incorporated in 1968 and has been in continuous operation since then as a 501(c)3 not-for-profit social service organization dedicated to serving people who are developmentally disabled, until 2011 it had never tried to solicit contributions of money, of time, of effort, of ideas, etc. At the beginning of 2011 COF, which is an acronym for its three county service area including Coffey, Osage, & Franklin counties, established the Friends of COF to raise funds and support the efforts of COF.  Parents, concerned citizens and any willing COF staff members may join to be of help.  The Friends of COF function with the support and under the auspices of COF’s Board of Directors.  Each Friend of COF understands that the one thing that is distinctly different about individuals with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities is that without some help they would be unable to survive on their own. As parents, guardians and concerned citizens, everybody is aware of the pervasive socio-economic turmoil and its devastating effect to the government funding upon which social service organizations like COF depend.  The people who have become Friends of COF have quickly evolved into a formidable group of dedicated volunteers.  We have room for and welcome additional Friends. 

One of the core fundaments of the Friends of COF is to ensure that volunteer participation is a fun and enjoyable experience to which volunteers can look forward. The other core fundament is to ensure that all volunteers feel welcomed and valued.   We also recognize and appreciate that everybody “gives” differently.   For example, some people will “give” of their time and effort. Some people will “give” through their ability to plan events.  Some people will “give” through ideas. Some people will “give” by showing up at events and “doing.” Some people will “give” through their networking connections to potential donors. Yes, of course, those who are able to “give” of their monetary means are welcomed, too. In short, the Friends of COF want to mine the vast wealth of the good will of good people who want to join and help with the extraordinarily good cause of supporting COF Training Services, Inc. to sustain, into the indefinite, unforeseeable future, the invaluable supports and services to people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.

In addition to their love and devotion for the sons, daughters, and /or loved ones who receive services from COF, a driving force for parents, guardians or advocates is knowing that the same high standards of services that they have come to rely upon from COF for so many years will still be strong and viable after they have died.  They want to be sure that they can pass with the comfort of knowing their loved one and others like them, who cannot survive on their own, will be well cared for as long as needed.  These parents and the many other marvelous advocates and volunteers know full well that a piece of the void left by the decreasing funding of services can only be filled through volunteers “giving” of their talents, their wealth, their kindness, their ideas, their time, their efforts or what ever form of “giving” is available. These parents, advocates and volunteers know that their good deeds are an invaluable component of COF’s plans to Control Our Future.

Will you please consider becoming a Friend of COF? Will you please help us Control Our Future?


As far as ‘why’ I serve the Friends of COF, it’s pretty simple — I was asked by Chris Patton, John Griffin, and Carla Bienhoff to help raise funds for the developmentally disabled. Who could say no to those three? My admiration and respect for the senior management of COF Training Services is second to none. It is both a pleasure and honor to serve such a well-managed organization. I know the money raised will be entrusted to individuals who will advance the mission of COF Training Services. The opportunity to raise funds for such a noble mission has added value and smiles to my life.

Edward E. York, Former member of Friends of COF


Friends of COF Steering Committee

Brad Carlson-President; K-8 Instructional Coach

Craig Evans - Vice Chair; President of Integrated Employment Enterprises

Erin Bricker-Secretary; Community Member; Staff Accountant, SelectQuote Insurance Services

John Griffin-Treasurer; CFO of COF

Rebekah McCurdy - Member; Community Member; Administrator, OU Office of Assessment & Effectiveness

Jarred Sterling - Community Member; Wealth Advisor, Advanced Investments

Amy Richardson-Community Member; Owner of Exclusive Salon and Spa

Brooke Droddy-Community Member; Loan Administrator; Patriots Bank

Gloria Hornung-Partent; Office Manager, Prairie Star Ranch & Bookkeeper, Sacred Heart Church & School

Rebecca Alderman - Member, COF Franklin County Area Director

Joy Beatty-Member, COF Community Relations Manager

Casey Colbern - Community Member; Professional Engineer, Bartlett & West, Lawrence, KS

Find out more about volunteering with or donating to COF. With your help, we can truly make a difference in the lives of those we serve.

Want to be a "Friend"? Make a donation or become a monthly donor; click on the button below!
